Progress Quest Forums

This is the former site of the Progress Quest Forums. This is the Progress Quest Forumerums.

Something went wrong with the forum database, either randomly or by evil intent, and I've just taken the whole thing down. I think that's probably okay. I'm assuming this place has been a ghost town for a while. If I'm wrong about that, please email me at, and maybe we can figure something out.

I'd suggested I might take this down a while ago because it had grown pretty quiet - there's better places for communities these days. For example:

If you know of another place for PQ discussion, please email me about that too.

Besides the obsolescence factor, running a years-old un-updated phpBB instance made me a little nervous. If there's 'sploits, I could get hosed, and maybe I was. Maybe I'm mining bitcoin for Putin at this point, I don't really know. If not, I'd rather keep it that way.

Happily some, or most, or all of the forum is preserved in the Wayback Machine. Go find your favorite posts there!

Happy progress,


Feb 25, 2020